Игры с миниатюрами > Star Wars

Ростеры к турниру "Открытый космос".

(1/3) > >>

 - Ten Numb/B-Wing (31) (8 3 1 3 5)
When attacking, 1 of your  results cannot be cancelled by defense dice.
Fire-Control System (2) – After you perform an attack, you may acquire a target lock on the defender

- Jek Porkins/X-Wing (26) (7 3 2 3 2)
When you receive a stress token, you may remove it and roll 1 attack die. On a  result, deal 1 facedown damage card to this ship.
R2 Astromech (1) – Treat all 1- and 2-speed manoeuvres as green manoeuvres.

- Corran Horn/E-Wing (35) (8 3 3 2 3)
At the start of the End phase, you may perform 1 attack. You may not attack next round.
Expose (4) – Action: Until the end of the round, increase your primary weapon value by 1 and decrease your agility value by 1.

- Rookie Pilot/X-Wing (21) (2 3 2 3 2)

- Airen Cracken/Z-95 Headhunter (19) (8 2 2 2 2)
After you perform an attack, you may choose another friendly ship at Range 1. That ship may perform 1 free action.

- Green Squadron Pilot/A-Wing (19) (3 2 3 2 2)
Chardaan Refit (-2) – This card has a negative squad point cost.
Push the Limit (3) – Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.

- Prototype Pilot/A-Wing (17) (1 2 3 2 2)
Proton Rockets (3) – Attack [Focus]: Discard this card to perform this attack. You may roll additional attack dice equal to your agility value, to a maximum of 3 additional dice. Attack value: 2. Range: 1.
Munitions Failsafe (1)  – When attacking with a secondary weapon that instructs you to discard it to perform the attack, do not discard it unless the attack hits.

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22 points
Howlrunner/TIE Fighter (18) (8-2-3-3-0)
Swarm Tactics (2)
– At the start of the combat phase, choose 1 friendly ship at Range 1. Until the end of this phase, treat the chosen ship as if its pilot skill were equal to your pilot skill.
Targeting Computer (2)
– Your action bar gains the  icon.
Swarm Tactics, Targeting Computer
13 points
Obsidian Squadron Pilot #1/TIE Fighter (3-2-3-3-0)
13 points
Obsidian Squadron Pilot #2/TIE Fighter (3-2-3-3-0)
12 points
Academy Pilot/TIE Fighter (1-2-3-3-0)
 Тут тактика проста. Сварма. Наваливаемся толпой. Хоуланер дает шанс пострелять ближайшему пилоту по своей высокой ине. Таргет компьютер в качестве дополнения позволит вам таргетлочить врага.

24 points
Saber Squadron Pilot/TIE Interceptor (21) (4-3-4/3-3-0)
Stealth Device (3)
– Increase your agility value by 1. If you are hit by an attack, discard this card.
13 points
Obsidian Squadron Pilot/TIE Fighter (13) (3-2-3-3-0)
23 points
Scimitar Squadron Pilot/TIE Bomber (16) (2-2-2-6-0)
Flechette Torpedoes (2)
– Attack [TARGET Lock]: Spend you target lock an discard this card to perform this attack. After you perform this attack, the defender receives 1 stress token if its hull value is "4" or less. Attack value: 3. Range: 2-3.
Assault Missiles (5)
– Attack [Target Lock]: Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack. If this attack hits, each other ship at range 1 of the defender suffers 1 damage. Attack: 4. Range 2-3.

Dark Curse/TIE Fighter (16) (6-2-4/3-3-0)
When defending, ships attacking you cannot spend focus tokens or reroll attack dice.
Stealth Device (3)
– Increase your agility value by 1. If you are hit by an attack, discard this card.
Onyx Squadron Pilot/TIE Defender (32) (3-3-4/3-3-3)
Homing Missiles (5)
– Attack [Target Lock]: Discard this card to perform this attack. The defender cannot spend evade tokens during this attack. Attack: 4. Range 2-3.
Stealth Device (3)
– Increase your agility value by 1. If you are hit by an attack, discard this card.

Krassis Trelix/Firespray-31 (36)
When attacking with a secondary weapon, you may reroll 1 attack die.
Cluster Missiles (4)
– Attack [TARGET Lock]: Spend your Target Lock and discard this CARD to perform this attack twice. Attack value: 3. Range: 1-2.
Autoblaster (5)
– Attack: Attack 1 ship. Your  results cannot be cancelled by defense dice. The defender may cancel  results before  results. Attack value: 3. Range 1.
Weapons Engineer (3)
– You may maintain 2 target locks (only 1 per enemy ship). When you acquire a target lock, you may lock onto 2 enemy ships.
Academy Pilot/TIE Fighter (12)

Еретик, ничего кроме адванс сенсоров на бшках! все остальное фигня. поркинс вообще тут зачем не ясно. лучше взять не именную бшку и бигза кмк. Почему нету ростера на 2 бшки. или 3 а-винга например. в 3м ростере лучше 2 одинаковых а-винга.

Вултур, можешь добавить свои варианты  ;)
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